Peacekeeper’s Daughter: A Middle East Memoir. Thistledown Press, September 2021.
Chaos Theories of Goodness, Shoreline Press, 2022.
Journals and Anthologies
Creative Non-Fiction
“5972, 12th Avenue, Rosemont” Prairie Fire, Summer 2023
“The Monster on my Pillow” Queen’s Quarterly, Spring 2023.
“Learning the Cello at Forty” in Syncopation Literary Journal. Vol. 1, Issue 2.
“Atlas, Bayonet, (War) Correspondence” in The Masters Review Anthology X, 2022.
“Words For My Father: Making Peace with the Peacekeeper.” Blank Spaces. Volume 7. Issue 2.
“Soldier’s Heart and other names for trauma,” Queen’s Quarterly. Winter 2021.
“Flyaway” Prairie Fire (Vol 42, no. 3), Fall 2021.
“Winter Rose” Doula Support Foundation’s Birth Story Contest. 2021.
“Words Over Weapons” Toronto Star, Sept 1, 2021.
“Carrying War” in subTerrain Magazine Issue 87, Winter 2021.
“Terrorist Mythologies” in The New Quarterly, Issue 156, Fall 2020.
“City of the Dead” in The Antigonish Review 199, Fall 2020.
“Terrorist Narratives” in Best Canadian Essays of 2019, Ed. Emily Donaldson, Biblioasis.
“Terrorist Narratives” in Malahat Review, Fall/Winter 2018.
“Sanctuary” in subTerrain, Fall 2018.
“Witness” in Prairie Fire Vol. 37. 1, Spring 2016.
“Surprise” in carte blanche, Spring 2016.
“Beirut Bombing” in Best Canadian Essays of 2015, ed. C. Doda and D. Layton.
“Beirut Bombing” in EVENT Magazine, Fall 2014, Vol. 43.2
“The Twelfth Year” in Grain Magazine, Fall 2013, Vol. 41.1
“Yoga and Vulnerability” in Saint Katherine Review. Vol. 2.1, Spring 2012.
Short Story
“Moose Hunt” in BigCityLit, Winter/Spring, 2022.
“Doc Millington” The Dalhousie Review, Fall 2022.
“Garbage Girl” published in Room online. Fall 2016.
“Hold Me” in Saint Katherine Review, Vol. 2.1, Spring 2012.
“Glory”. Writing in the Cegeps: An Anthology of New Fiction. Ed. Zolt Alapi Montreal: Siren Song Publishing, 2008.
Seven poems in Emergence: Contemporary Female Poets of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Ed. Angela Leuck, Studio Georgeville, 2021.
“Survival Plan” in Chronicling the Days: Dispatches From a Pandemic. Montreal: Guernica Editions, 2021
“Winter Plumage” in Water Lines: New Writing from the Eastern Townships of Quebec Studio Georgeville, September 2019.
“Foot Massage” in The Centrifugal Eye, Vol. 9.3, Summer 2015.
“Breakfast at Jay’s”; “Hope in Good Cooking”; “The Plaster Angel and the Ecstatic Utterance” in Taproot V. Lennoxville: Townshipper’s Association, 2014.
“Interruption” in The Centrifugal Eye, Spring 2014.
“Beyond Repair” in The Centrifugal Eye, Vol. 8.1, Spring 2013.
“Wounded Bison” in The Centrifugal Eye, Vol. 8.2, Fall 2013.
“Occupation: Girl on the Corner of Saint-Catherine and Peel” in Liberty’s Vigil, The Occupy Anthology: 99 Poets among the 99%. Ed. Karla Linn Merrifield and Dwain Wilder. Foothills Publishing, 2012.
“First Fire” in The Centrifugal Eye, Vol.6.3, Winter 2012.
“Tea with Constancia” in Other Voices, Spring 2012.
“Paint Him Beautiful”, qarrtsiluni, Winter 2012.
“Cross Country”, The Centrifugal Eye, Vol.5.4, Fall 2010
“For Emma”, Taproot IV: Poetry, Prose and Images from the Easter Townships. Lennoxville: Townshipper’s Association, 2009.
“Mina Hovers”, Room Vol.30.4, 2007.
“end of may”; “mid-september”; “november (striptease)”; Room of One’s Own, Vol.27.2, 2004.
“Racoons” and “Feasting”, Taproot III. Lennoxville: Townshippers’ Association, 2004.
“Easter Lily” and “Easter’s Child”, Crux Vol. 39.1, March 2003.
“Summer in North Hatley”, Taproot II. Lennoxville: Townshippers’ Association, 2002.
“Proposal”, Crux Vol.38.2, June 2002.